I grew up on the West coast of Florida, and as cliché as it has now become to say, used to love to decorating my room and rearranging the furniture to find just the right placement, or just switch up the flow. In college, this hit a new high (or low, depending on how you look at it, haha;), once I had a real job –waitressing– and could afford to shop at home decor stores, Peir1 was a college favorite of mine! And although I’m sure I wouldn’t have the student loan debt now, if I had just forgone that canopy over the bed back then, it has always brought me such happiness to have the space I live in feel beautifully decorated. So while living my best linen-duvet covered life in college, I met my now husband Aaron, who as luck would have it was going to school for accounting, so this story does not end with me in bankruptcy, clutching my over-drafted debit card. He brought out the budgeting, numbers side of me, and I brought out the well-dressed, design conscience version of him. A perfect match!!
So shortly after we graduated from college, at Florida State University, we decided we needed a bigger city and less heat, so moved to Chicago. After jumping around in jobs a little bit, we both realized we wanted something different than the corporate 9-5, so Aaron applied to some graduate programs, and we ended up planting roots in Eugene, OR for him to complete a four year accounting PhD. Which is probably one of the best decisions we’ve ever made. Plus, the adorable home we lived in there will always hold a very special place in my heart because it is where we brought our two amazing kiddos home from the hospital to, and I have such fond memories of the entire town.
After he graduated, we wanted to head back to the Midwest, but a more family friendly version than Chicago, so settled on Milwaukee, and couldn’t have made a better choice. It has all the luxuries of city-living, without the traffic!!! We plan to stay here as long as we can, to update our sweet little Dutch Colonial one room at a time, and are lucky we live in the age of YouTube and online tutorials, because we plan to do most of the work ourselves. Wish us luck and hope you’ll join us along the way!!